
All Beneteau First 325 Sailing Yachts for sale in the UK

1987 Beneteau First 325   £25,000
This is a boat that I am impressed with. It was not a mistake that Beneteau became the largest European yacht builder, it was their ability to design and build successful yachts. The Beneteau First 325 is one of their popular designs. She is rewarding to sail, easy to handle and can look after her crew in the most adverse conditions. She has only had 2 owners from new, the current owner is a retired boat builder. Both are very experienced yachtsmen who have looked after her with loving care. As one steps below she shows no sign of her age and is a credit to her owners. This is why she stands... read more

Length: 9.9m
Location: Cardiff UK
Price: £25,000
Status:Sale Agreed
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ID: 767887  (Trade)

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